Skinner Family Association Emblem
There is no proof without evidence
The Skinner Name

Skinner Kinsmen Update

The Skinner Data Bank


Skinner Photo Album

Skinner Queries

Web Ring

Skinner Web Sites



  • The Elusive Ancestor
  • Murphy's Genealogical Laws
  • Francis & Lucy (Jasper) Skinner Special Request

The Skinner Family Association is always on the lookout for donations of "Skinnerabilia." What kinds of family records are we collecting? Everything historical: old letters, diaries, scrap books, rural school lists of students and teachers, family group photos (where identified), in fact any pictures of Skinners taken in the 1800's. Original land patents, abstracts, wills, probate court proceedings, including the determination of heirs, all help to tell the story. Military records, awards, promotions, etc. Birth certificates, obituaries, wedding stories, anniversaries, feature stories about relatives, business promotions, and especially Bible records. However, please be sure to write before sending anything extensive to avoid duplication.

We do not think that the above list is complete, and if you have something that you think would be of interest, write describing what it is or send a xerographic copy. In all cases, if the material is irreplaceable, WRITE FIRST!

Books about Skinners, by Skinners, or relating to Skinners and their descendants are always appreciated. Listings of Skinner materials available at local libraries help to locate more information, as well as making it known to distant researchers.

Any collection of materials that you or a relative have prepared will also be greatly appreciated. Many times material is lost in a local library or discarded by family members after the death of a researcher. We advise that a copy of the work be prepared and mailed to the LDS (Mormon) Family History Library in Salt Lake City as well as to us at the Association.

Finally, we would appreciate your family group sheets or GEDCOM files to add to the growing data bank. Please send information on you Skinner connection from your earliest known Skinner down to you. We collect information on the female lines as well as the male lines, so please don't stop when a female marries into another line. Please submit GEDCOM files on 3.5" disks (however, e-mailing them sometimes works!) to our Post Office Box address.

Then What Happens?

GEDCOM or printed information that is submitted to the Skinner Family Association will be added to the growing Skinner Family Association database. In time, this information will be uploaded to the online database. Information on Skinner ancestors born less than 100 years ago will not be included in the online files. In time, each uploaded individual will have a notes section listing references to the given information. The name of the person submitting the information will be included in the notes section as will an e-mail contact (if given). Street addresses will not be included unless specifically indicated by the person who sent in the information. We hope to have as much Skinner information available at one site as possible. If you can think of any way to improve the Skinner Family Association site, please let us know.

© 1996-1999 Skinner Family Association